Outdoor farmer's market offering farm fresh produce, baked goods, specialty food items and art - handmade and locally produced in Illinois. Enjoy an evening shopping for the freshest, local foods including fruits, herbs, vegetables, meat, poultry and eggs! Plus, don't miss the fresh bread and bakery items, fresh flowers, handmade crafts and more!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Growing through the Winter Months...

Snow is on the ground in Illinois and keeps coming. The temperatures have dropped and keep dropping. Can you grow produce through the winter months? Yes you can!

I have organic rosemary that I bring indoors through the winter months. There is such delight in harvesting a fresh sprig of rosemary for a roasted chicken or herbed potatoes. I love it!

What do you grow during the winter months?

How do you grow it? Indoors? Greenhouse?

Please comment here or on Facebook and share your winter growing successes!