Outdoor farmer's market offering farm fresh produce, baked goods, specialty food items and art - handmade and locally produced in Illinois. Enjoy an evening shopping for the freshest, local foods including fruits, herbs, vegetables, meat, poultry and eggs! Plus, don't miss the fresh bread and bakery items, fresh flowers, handmade crafts and more!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Time flies when you're having fun!

As I write this blog post, it is hard to believe there are only THREE (3) market days left in the season. Where did the time go? The Heights Farm Market's last official market day of 2010 will be Wednesday, September 15th.

We're already planning for 2011!

The team at the Heights Farm Market is looking at putting together an indoor holiday market - perhaps in November - to showcase winter vegetables and specialty gifting items. Stay tuned to this blog and/or our Facebook page for the details and location as they develop.

One Important Note: The farmers and small business vendors at the Heights Farm Market appreciate you and your business. The time to stop by and visit - your dedication to purchasing local produce and local specialty items - we are here because you are here and we couldn't do it without you - THANK YOU!!