Outdoor farmer's market offering farm fresh produce, baked goods, specialty food items and art - handmade and locally produced in Illinois. Enjoy an evening shopping for the freshest, local foods including fruits, herbs, vegetables, meat, poultry and eggs! Plus, don't miss the fresh bread and bakery items, fresh flowers, handmade crafts and more!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Opening Day 2012!

Opening day for the Heights Farm Market is nearly here - tomorrow - Wednesday, June 13th - begins the new 2012 season.  For an intimate farm market that started a handful of years ago, completely run and operated by farmers and local producers (without business sponsorship), we are THRILLED when opening day approaches each year!  2012 is no exception.

Why are we thrilled?  Because the market's success is due to our customers, pure and simple.  Thank you for coming out and supporting local produce and local products each Wednesday.  We truly appreciate you and we will continue to be here - bringing fresh farm grown Illinois fruits, vegetables and flowers as well as locally made Illinois products for as long as you will have us.

Bring a friend and enjoy the afternoon and early evening out at the market - see you tomorrow!