Outdoor farmer's market offering farm fresh produce, baked goods, specialty food items and art - handmade and locally produced in Illinois. Enjoy an evening shopping for the freshest, local foods including fruits, herbs, vegetables, meat, poultry and eggs! Plus, don't miss the fresh bread and bakery items, fresh flowers, handmade crafts and more!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome to the 2010 Heights Farm Market

The market season is just around the corner. Planting has started and there are a few small, little green plants growing in greenhouses around the area. Currently, we're working on keeping you informed of what the season has in store. As we continue to grow and expand the market offerings, join us this year for chef demonstrations and other educational exhibits. We are excited at what the season will offer our market guests.

Check back here for further announcements and to follow our progress of the 2010 growing season. Look for our Facebook page - coming soon!

See you soon!