Outdoor farmer's market offering farm fresh produce, baked goods, specialty food items and art - handmade and locally produced in Illinois. Enjoy an evening shopping for the freshest, local foods including fruits, herbs, vegetables, meat, poultry and eggs! Plus, don't miss the fresh bread and bakery items, fresh flowers, handmade crafts and more!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Prescott's Farm / Petal Song Apiaries / Twisted Chicken

Each week we plan to feature one of the Heights Farm Market vendors - allowing you, our customers insight into who they are, what they do and identifying why they are such an asset to our local Heights Farm Market.

This week we are showcasing Prescott's Farm / Petal Song Apiaries / Twisted Chicken!

Owners: Leslie Schenkel / Linda Prescott

Local Items: Honey, Vegetables, Herbs

Vendor Information: Linda Prescott started beekeeping in 2005 and works with husband Pat on a 34 acre farm raising sustainable vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers. They are in the process of restoring three barns that were originally built in the 1930's.

Fresh honey is a special find at farm markets. So, stop by the Heights Farm Market to meet Leslie and Linda. They are looking forward to meeting you!

Email: twstdchicken@hughes.net

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